Acclaimed underground hitmaker Shawnecy debuts on Moon Harbour with a duo of tracks that show off his unique take on rhythm, while Francisco Allendes steps up with a fine remix.
As someone who spent his early years as a dance choreographer, Shawnecy knows what it takes to move the body. He applies this knowledge to his productions, which have come on labels like Snatch!, Cocoon, Desolat and Get Physical, and resulted in numerous Beatport Top 10 hits before now. As a DJ he can do huge main rooms in Ibiza or more intimate clubs, and now he showcases his slick sound across two terrific new tunes.
Opener ‘Bad’ is a brilliantly freaky tune with weird vocals, warped synths and sci-fi melodies raining down the face of the groove. It’s a loose-limbed one that makes you shake your body as rolling toms and airy hi-hats add depth and space. It’s a track that will bring plenty of fun to the ‘floor, while ‘Sacrifice’ feat. Jhothi is a darker, more driving track to get heads down and feet marching. Blasts of bass and a filtered vocal add to the weirdness that will help make this stand out in any set.
Chilean Francisco Allendes is a resident for the mighty ANTS night at Ushuaia and has been hugely prolific over the last ten years plus on labels like Desolat and Snatch! He uses all his know-how here to strip ‘Sacrifice’ back to a kinetic minimal tech tune that has big, warm drums and skeletal hits that really get under your skin.
These are three high-class dance floor weapons from a pair of great talents.